The New Texas Chainsaw Massacre Remake


T.J. Jones submitted this news on the filming of the TCM remake, due out in theaters on October 31, 2003.

Thanks T.J.!


"My name is T.J. Jones and I thought I would let you know that August 19th, I was in Taylor with a friend and we saw that the were filming( setting up ) at the meat market there. They had a crane for some high aerial shots behind the building and had some vehicles and trailers set up outside. My guess is that they are filming the scene where the kids stop for gas and bbq and also the scene where Sally runs to the store for protection from Leatherface and ends up with Daddy. I could not get too close as the cops were being pretty bullyish( like they were getting paid extra!) I’m hoping to create my own website with facts and photos about this remake in the future. Take it easy and keep the new coming!"