A Tribute to Those Who Have Gone Before Us
The people associated with
the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre and it's sequels have given us a bit
of rare magic to last throughout generations of horror film lovers.
And even through these people may be most notable or famous for a piece of
their craft they did in a sliver of time in their lives, they were many
other things to many other people than just an actor or actress. They all face life with it's ups and downs, it's triumphs and tragedies like we all do. In other words, they are all just like us. Some knew of their fate beforehand and decided to leave us in their own way. Some were taken away abruptly. And some lived as long as their vessel was able to. I feel honored that so many people visit my web site, including key people involved with the creation and ongoing franchise that is the Texas Chainsaw Massacre. So this page is the very least I can do for those have have gone on before us. |
Robert A. Burns
1944 - 2004
Here are a few personal photos of
Bob at home being, well, just being Bob!
A eulogy for Bob Burns was read
for him by a close friend of Bob's on Saturday, June 5th, 2004 in Bob's back yard to his
closest friends and family who could attend.
HERE to download the eulogy
in Microsoft Word format.
Here are a few thoughts about Bob from his brother.
The Sequin Gazette did a write-up on the events of Bob's gathering at his house and the eulogy that was delivered.
Here's a link to Bloody Disgusting.Com that has a few comments about Bob.
Here's the last interview of Bob done by Jason Stewart of XYZed Magazine.
Here's an article that appeared in the Austin Chronicle on Bob.
Here's an article that appeared in the Seguin Gazette.
The following e-mail is one that I
received from a very close friend of Bob's. I think this person's
perspective helps to bring home to us the kind of person Bob was. ...Nice tribute page. Well done. I like what you said about it being impossible to say in a few words all of what Bob is. His executor, an attorney down in Seguin, is probably choking too trying to write an obit as he tries to get his mind around all the things that Bob was into and how many millions of lives he touched...Bob intended mailing letters to those closest to him. I don't know if that means 12 letters or 200. He didn't tell me. They should begin arriving today. I was the only one he told about the inoperable cancer and his intentions to clock out before he started to suffer, so I had weeks to reminisce and laugh with him and say my goodbyes. I was sworn to secrecy though so my heart goes out to you and to others in the Bob network who are going to be taken completely by surprise. If it's of any help, Bob was resolute and content with his decision and was determined to be energized and happy to the end. I was talking to him on the phone 3 to 5 times a day for the last couple of weeks. Memorial Day afternoon we had a good time recalling our favorite funniest movie moments, just a few hours before he made his decision. I had hoped we had more weeks together to celebrate his life but the last message he left me on the answering machine indicated that he had wrapped up his affairs and had made the sudden decision that waiting around further seemed pointless. He died content and at a time that he chose and that suited him. That's to be envied. A loud, tacky, tasteless celebratory party is probably in order, probably a costume party at that or at least Hawaiian shirts obligatory. I hope someone in Austin will organize one. Anonymous |
The following is copied from the Austin American Statesman newspaper. June 3, 2004
Paul A. Partain
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1946 - 2005
The above head shot of Paul was sent to me personally from Paul along with 2 other pictures. Click HERE to view those.
Please visit this page as a tribute to Paul.
Also visit the Internet Movie Database's entry for Paul.
Assistant Camera in "The Texas
Chainsaw Massacre"
"L.G." in "Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2"
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1942 - 2009
From left to right is Tim Harden, Gunnar Hansen, Lou Perryman and Wayne Bell.
Lou was murdered on April 1st, 2009 by an insane young man on the front lawn of his mother's home in south Austin. The murderer stole Lou's car and drove himself to the Austin police department, where they quickly took him into custody.
This has been labeled as a tragic act of random violence. Neither Lou or the murderer knew each other until that day.
I attended the wake for Lou at Scholz's Garten in Austin, Texas on April 9th, 2009. Many notable people were in attendance. People I recognized were Kim Henkel, Turk Pipkin, Wayne Bell, Robert Khun and Justin Meeks.
Many people took the microphone to tell funny and touching stories about how they knew Lou. Wayne Bell told a couple of stories about Lou while he was on the set of the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Here's a shot of the room full of people at Lou's Wake.
This is Lou's daughter saying a few words before she handed the microphone over to other speakers.
Also visit the Internet Movie Database's entry for Lou.
Jim Siedow
"Old Man" / "The Cook"
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1920 - 2003
This autographed picture was sent to me by one of Jim's sons. You can write to Jim at jsiedow@academicplanet.com or visit his home page at http://www.geocities.com/jsiedow.geo/JimHomepage.html)
Jim passed away in November of 2003. He is survived by his wife Ruth, 2 sons, a daughter and several grandchildren. Although he is probably best known for his character in TCM and TCM2, he has a long list of credits as an actor and theatrical director over the past several decades. Jim also appears in the documentaries, "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: A Family Portrait" and "Texas Chainsaw Massacre - The Shocking Truth".
One of his sons made a web site dedicated to his father at http://www.geocities.com/jsiedow.geo/JimHomepage.html.
For pictures of his appearances in his other theatrical works, click HERE.
Click HERE to read an article done by the Houston Chronicle concerning Jim's passing.
Also visit the Internet Movie Database's entry for Jim.
© 20
11 Tim Harden timh@texaschainsawmassacre.net